Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability: Learn How to Cultivate Eco-Conscious Young Minds 

Some of you may already be aware that LEYF established the London Institute in Early Years (LIEY) some time ago, and one thing we offer as part of the Institute is provide free access to many opportunities for learning through our communities of practice. The most recent, established with 200 interested colleagues across six countries, was the Action for Sustainability in Education | Community of Practice.  

Hosted here - - this is where we post information and invitations about anything linked to the three pillars of sustainability and climate change.  

So, here is your first invitation to share widely. On Thursday 29th August, 2024 at 4pm-5.30pm (British Summer Time), the LIEY (including LEYF) and the University of East London invite you to attend this public symposium online (or in person) and engage in critical and timely discussions about sustainability in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). 

We are hosting the 2024 Transnational Dialogues in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability Research (TND 9) with the University of East London. The TND group was established in 2010 by Professor Julie Davis (Australia) and Professor Eva Johansson (Norway) and organises a gathering once a year. Approximately 40 universities are involved worldwide, and every year the TND is convened by the following academics:  

  • Professor Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Mälardalen University, Sweden 

  • Professor Barbara M. Sageidet, Stavanger University, Norway,  

  • Dr Sue Elliott, University of New England, Australia 

  • Associate Professor Sule Alici, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Turkey 

  • Dr Lyndal O’Gorman, Queensland University of Technology, Australia  

and us the London Institute of Early Years and LEYF! 

Each TND gathering is focusing on research on sustainability. Speakers are invited to lead shared discussions for both experienced and emerging international researchers. In addition, each gathering includes an afternoon public symposium where a panel of TND 9 participants are invited to share insights about Early Childhood Education for Sustainability from their respective countries and research. This public symposium offers a unique opportunity for local Early Years colleagues from all settings including teachers/educators, childminders, tertiary students, higher degree candidates and university academics to hear from leading international researchers. 


TND9 Hybrid Public Symposium: What’s happening internationally in ECEfS? 

Thursday 29thAugust 2024 

4pm-5.30pm (British Summer Time) 

Online via Microsoft Teams  

Meeting ID: 319 885 378 874 
Passcode: pfnG3m 

Or in person at the University of East London, Water Lane, London E15 4LZ 

June O'Sullivan

An inspiring speaker, author and regular media commentator on Early Years, social business and child poverty, June has been instrumental in achieving a strong social impact through her work at the London Early Years Foundation, creating a new childcare model based on a major strategic, pedagogical and cultural shift over the last 10 years.


Talking Early Years: In conversation with Professor Alison Clark


A Shout Out for Children